Minggu, 23 Maret 2008


Whitepapers and eBooks
Intel eBook: Managing the Evolving Data Center
IBM Whitepaper: Enterprise Information Integration: Deployment Best Practices for Low-Cost Implementation
Intel Clients PDF: Improve Security and Control of your PCs
Microsoft Article: Managing Virtual Machines with Microsoft System Center
Intel Mobility PDF: Wireless Technologies and e-Learning--Bridging the Digital Divide
Avaya Article: How to Begin Developing with Avaya's Event Processing Language
Intel Multi-Core PDF: Comparing Multi-Core Processors for Server Virtualization
Avaya Article: Deep Dive--Event Processor Offers Familiar Tools for Creating Event-Driven SOA Apps
Intel Whitepaper: A Methodology for Threading Serial Applications (PDF)
HP eBook: Storage Networking , Part 1
F5 Whitepaper: Deploying SharePoint 2007? BIG-IP LTM with WebAccelerator Can Speed it up by 8x
Quest Whitepaper: Improving Oracle Database Performance Using Real-Time Visual Diagnostics
ServerWatch.com Article: Tip of the Trade--IP Address Management
Avaya Article: Event Processing Demands Real-Time Response for Communications-Enabled Business Applications
ITChannelPlanet.com Article: Enterprise Fixed-Mobile Convergence Can Be Lucrative
StoreVault Whitepaper: Introduction to Networked Storage
Intel Article: Transitioning Software to Future Generations of Multi-Core
Oracle eBook: Implementing Business Intelligence in Your Organization

Hoovers Article: Boost Employee Morale without Breaking the Bank
SAP Whitepaper: A Corporate Guide to Better Decisions Through IT
Microsoft Article: Solving Data Center Complexity with Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007
IBM Whitepaper: Transforming Legacy Apps into SOA
Internet.com eBook: All About Botnets
Intel Article: 8 Simple Rules for Designing Threaded Applications
Symantec Whitepaper: E-Mail Discovery--Worst-Case Scenarios Versus Best Practices
Ipswitch Whitepaper: Secure File Transfer In the Era of Regulatory Compliance
Symantec Whitepaper: A Unified, Proactive Approach to Endpoint Security
Intel Whitepaper: Best Practices for Developing and Optimizing Threaded Applications
Symantec Whitepaper: Emerging Trends in Fighting Spam
Microsoft Partner Program Article: How to Market Your Technology Solutions
Avaya Article: Opening Telephony to Microsoft Developers
Symantec Whitepaper: Best Practices for IM Archiving & Compliance
Intel Article: The Challenges of Developing Multithreaded Processing Pipelines
Symantec Article: Guarding the Corporate Gateway
Intel Video: Foundations of Parallel Programming, Part One
Microsoft Web Seminar: Windows Mobile 6.0 Training for ISV Developers
IBM Webcast: Asset Reuse Strategies for Success--Innovate Don't Duplicate!
HP Video: Page Cost Calculator
HP Webcast: Storage Is Changing Fast - Be Ready or Be Left Behind
Epicor Webcast: Requirements to Consider When Looking at ITSM Tools

Intel Video: Three Must-Knows for Parallelism
Microsoft Partner Program Video: The Secrets to Partner Success
Rational Asset Manager: Succeed with Asset-based Development
Microsoft Silverlight Video: Creating Fading Controls with Expression Design and Expression Blend 2
Downloads and eKits
Red Gate Download: SQL Backup Pro and free DBA Best Practices eBook
Red Gate Download: SQL Compare Pro 6
IBM eKit: IBM Rational Systems Development Solution
IBM eKit: Rational Asset Manager
IBM Developer Kit: Web 2.0

IBM Download: Data Studio v1.1
NXPowerLite: Desktop Edition Software Trial
Iron Speed Designer Application Generator
Symantec IM Detection Utility
Tutorials and Demos
Intel Servers/Workstations Demo: Dual-Core Intel Itanium 2 Processor
Flash Demo: IBM Information Server Blade
HP Demo: StorageWorks EVA4400
IBM Demo: Adding Security to your Web Services Digital Signatures
IBM Demo: Deployment Tracking with Rational ClearQuest and ClearCase

IBM Overview Video: Next Generation Data Warehousing
IBM Tutorial: Intro to XML User Interface Language (XUL) Development
Microsoft How-to Article: Get Going with Silverlight and Windows Live

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